Miestne akčné skupiny pre lepšie Európske komunity – podujatie na južnom Slovensku

Local Action Groups for Better EU Communities – event in Southern Slovakia

Local Action Groups from 8 European states participated at the 3-day event from 10th to 12th 2015 in Southern Slovakia. The event was held within project „Local Action Groups for better EU Communities“, financed from Europe for Citizens Programme under measure Networks of Towns. The event was organized by the Local Action Group Association Dolný Žitný ostrov and its chairwoman Rozália Szalay. Participants introduced their LAGs, their operation and activities, further they have exchanged best practices, experiences with the LEADER projects and successful projects financed by EU, visited Fortress in Komárno, Roman and Ethnographic Museum Kelemantia in Iža, Rye Island Folk Song and Dance Celebration in Klížska Nemá. Participants were shown the outputs and results of the successfully implemented projects of the LAG Association Dolný Žitný ostrov. The event was attended by LAG members from Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Czechia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Italy and naturally from Slovakia.

10.-12. Júla 2015 sa stretli na juhu Slovenska miestne akčné skupiny z ôsmych krajín v rámci projektu „Miestne akčné skupiny pre lepšie Európske komunity“ financovaného z programu Európa pre Občanov pod opatrením družobné partnerstvá miest. Toto trojdňové podujatie organizovala Miestna akčná skupina Združenie Dolný Žitný ostrov pod vedením predsedkyne Ing. Rozálie Szalay.

V rámci pripraveného programu účastníci okrem workshopov, na ktorých si vymenili skúsenosti s projektmi LEADER a EÚ programami, navštívili Komárňanskú pevnosť, členské obce MAS Združenia Dolný Žitný ostrov, Rímske a národopisné múzeum Kelemantia, pozostatky Rímskeho vojenského tábora v Iži, zažili atmosféru Žitno-ostrovných slávností ľudovej piesne a tanca v Klížskej Nemej. Podujatia sa zúčastnili partneri z Chorvátska, Slovinska, Poľska, Čiech, Bosny a Hercegoviny, Rumunska, Talianska a samozrejme zo Slovenska „Miestna akčná skupina Združenie Dolný Žitný ostrov“, ktorá celé podujatie organizovala.

Local Action Groups for Better EU Communities – event in Southern Slovakia

Local Action Groups from 8 European states participated at the 3-day event from 10th to 12th 2015 in Southern Slovakia. The event was held within project „Local Action Groups for better EU Communities“, financed from Europe for Citizens Programme under measure Networks of Towns. The event was organized by the Local Action Group Association Dolný Žitný ostrov and its chairwoman Rozália Szalay. Participants introduced their LAGs, their operation and activities, further they have exchanged best practices, experiences with the LEADER projects and successful projects financed by EU, visited Fortress in Komárno, Roman and Ethnographic Museum Kelemantia in Iža, Rye Island Folk Song and Dance Celebration in Klížska Nemá. Participants were shown the outputs and results of the successfully implemented projects of the LAG Association Dolný Žitný ostrov. The event was attended by LAG members from Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Czechia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Italy and naturally from Slovakia.